Our group created two personas for our product. Both personas are Ohio State University students. Our primary persona: Josh Miller, a 22 year old college student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in software development while holding part-time employment as a bank teller for JP Morgan Chase. Josh often feels overwhelmed and overworked trying to maintain all of his responsibilities. Josh was  also diagnosed with a learning disability but is hesitant and embarrassed to use his disability accommodations given through the university because it makes him feel academically inferior.  
Our secondary persona, another OSU student who overvalues her physical health and prioritizes her athletic standing on the OSU Women's volleyball team. We formulated "pain points" for each of our personas and convey possible outcomes to how ForYou would best fits their needs. Overall, we projected our product towards our primary persona due to this is an individual focused product, therefore the user navigates the product independently and on their own terms. We considered a second persona being a parent or a loved one from the emergency contacts list, but decided to refrain from that to instill the independent structure of the product.

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